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Thursday, December 3, 2009

This is not the cover to GameSpite Quarterly 3

Unfortunately, I hate the cover. The Idea was pretty good, I think: Since this issue focuses on 8-bit game characters (specifically, heroes), I wanted to use original sprites for a sort of Retro Gamer-looking creation. And the layout of Nintendo's NES Tetris struck me as a perfectly fitting visual metaphor, since Tetris is a wildly popular 8-bit game, the stats box in the upper-right is perfectly placed to hold the magazine flag, and the I-Block is one of the characters detailed in the issue. So why not have the I-Block poised to clear a stack of 8-bit characters all jumbled up?

Not a bad idea at all. Unfortunately, the execution... well, it sucks. So, this won't be the cover to the issue. It's ugly and kind of embarrassing and I certainly wouldn't expect people to spend their hard-earned money on something this tacky. So I worked up something else -- something classier, simpler, cleaner, and weirdly enough designed in a flash of inspiration this afternoon when I bought a piece of cheesecake to take home to my finacée and looked at the bag it came in. You can have a look after the jump.


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