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Friday, December 4, 2009

Give me a mission Mystery Google!

We Have the Mystery Google before. Interesting and strange search engine Mystery Google has quickly become a trend. Now, I am going to tell you another feature of Mystery Google. Get your mission from Mystery Google!
You can complete some mission that given you by Mystery Google! What does it mean? Mystery Google is not just a search engine that serves up to you previous queries what people before you searched for. It gives you some mission to do. I know it sounds a little strange. You may ask, "What missions you are talking about ". I am talking about the missions that given you by Google Mystery. Yes, you have a mission :)
Just go to and type the bar "Give me a mission!" or "What is my mission?" or "Google Mystery Mission". All of these questions take you to your mission. After you click search button, you will be taken to the your mission. Get your mission in the search bar of Google. (It gives you really strange missions.)

Let me tell you my mission I got from Mystery Google: I asked to Mystery Google my mission: "What is my mission?" It answered to me. Here is my mission:

email this girl (Here was someone else's email I don't know) and tell her to do her english Homework--copy and past this so she gets the message lots of times!
That's my mission. Should I do this? Of course not.
I won't do this, but there are some people that have completed their missions given themselves. I visited the YouTube and search Mystery Google Missions.
I found some videos. Some girls have already completed Mystery Google mission. Mystery google told them to call that girl and sing her a song. So they did! Search on the YouTube.

If you wonder your mission, just go to and ask your mission!
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