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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cori Rist & Tiger Woods: Cori Rist Tiger Woods story

Cori Rist is rumored to be another one of Tiger Woods

’ so-called mistress. Cori Rist fits the Woods’ stereotype of alleged female friends, being blond and beautiful. Rist would be placed ninth in line after all the alleged rumored women friends. Is this the fictional story on the ninth mistress?

Cori Rist and Woods met at Butter, a night club in Manhattan, in 2008. A source who knew about Rist claimed she dated Woods at another party that followed the meeting at Butter.

The source claimed Woods flew Rist out to his golf tours to spend time with him. Woods’ camp would book Rist a room close to his room, or an adjacent room to remain discrete.

The rumor said Woods preferred to stay indoors to spend time inside his hotel room. The story said Rist and Woods spent private time together on and off for 6 months before she grew tired of the arrangement.

Rist was approached to verify the rumors and stories. Rist told her enquirer she had no comment, at this point in time.


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