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Friday, October 2, 2009

World Smiles Day Rocks Ur life

Did you know that today (and every first Friday of October) is World Smile Day? This day honors the name and memory of Harvey Ball the artist who originally created the infectious smiley face back in 1963. The premise is to “do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.”
So dieters be kind, support and care about each other. Those of you who aren’t dieters support those that are making an honest effort with this daunting task. Today and every day as a nutritionist I personally applaud you for all your relentless efforts. And keep up the “happy face” noticing the difference in how you feel when you do. That positive attitude also helps with your weight loss efforts!

Can you make someone smile today? Today is the first Friday in October, which means it’s World Smile Day. Artist Harvey Ball created the smiley face icon in 1963 for a Massachusetts insurance company. He never registered the design and made just $45 for his work. It was an instant hit. In 1999, Ball founded the World Smile Corporation which, in turn, kicked off World Smile Day to raise money for children’s charities. On the agenda for today? "Do an act of kindness — make one person smile."


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